Visual Effects

This is my demo reel of my best visual effects. According to the effects, I used differents software.
This is the list of all of them : Unity, Photoshop, Krita, Blender and Substance Designer.

All theses effects were made for training and personal projects.

For more details, you can check my


If I had to sum up my game development career, I would use one word: hobby. I started my developer journey by making websites and I didn't think I would code video games one day. It was later when I discovered Unity that I started to create games. I think 'prototype' is a better word. From this moment, I realized all the things I could create with my own skills and saw all the possibilities of game development. I want to give the feeling of escape and freedom to everyone who will play my games.

Want to see my other projects ? There are all on my


Professional experiences

August 2021 - October 2022
Tools Developer
Edvance, on assignment - Montrouge (92), France
  • Update and maintenance of an internal project management application.
  • Conception and development of a POC (proof of concept) for an internal workspace booking application.
  • Conception and development of a securised payment transfert application between Edvance and its collaborators.
  • Assistance for development of employee referencing application. Additionally, writing of specifications for this application.
  • According to the project, I used these languages : C#, Python, HTML, CSS, Javascript and Bash
  • For the majority of these projects, I also used SQL and PostgreSQL.
October 2017 - August 2020
Media interactive developer apprentice
Renault Design, Techocentre - Guyancourt (78), France
  • Development of multimedia functionnalities and vocal recognition system for an interactive mockup of car dashboard.
  • Carrying out a study for the creation of a driving simulator
  • All my work was made on Unity
April 2017 - June 2017
Web developer intern
Malakoff Médéric - Montigny-le-bretonneux (78), France
  • Conception and development of request handler for infastructur needs.
  • Work realised with PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript and SQL


2023 - 2024

VFX Apprentice training

2017 - 2020

ESIEE Paris Engineering school in apprenticeship, CCI Paris Ile-de-France, France (93)
Pathway : " Applications and IT - 3D Engineering and media technologies "

September 2019 - December 2019

Exchange program at Sherbrook University, Faculty of Sciences in Quebec, Canada

2015 - 2017

DUT in IT at University Institute of Technology of Orsay, Paris-Sud University (91), France


High school Diploma in Science, IT and Digital Science option - with honours, France



  • Game Development and VFX :
    Unity, Krita, Photoshop, Blender
  • Project Management :
    Jira, Trello, HackNPlan
  • Version Management :
    Git and Gitlab, Tortoise SVN


  • C#, Python, Java, Javascript
  • HTML and CSS
  • SQL and PostgreSQL


  • French (native speaker)
  • English (B2 level)